Top 5 Issues With Real Estate Photos Part 5 - Wrong Aspect Ratio

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Pictures should maintain a 4:3 (landscape) ratio, ideally under 100kb or else the MLS system will compress the image, so although the recommended size is 640x480px we actually use 600x450px at the marketing office to avoid the MLS compression monster. We get many images that are not the correct sizing through our desks so we end up having to crop, and because the focal point of the room or area changes we have to do it manually instead of just setting up an action in Photoshop to crop a whole folder in a blur. It requires keyboard crunching at its finest to blow through the 20 maximum images and save them out properly. If you divide picture’s pixel width by its height, you should get 1.33 if not you have the wrong aspect ratio. If you want your photos to look good remember the 100kb file size limit also (TREB have relaxed on this in the last few years). If the aspect ratio isn’t correct then MLS will compress the size to fit, which means your photos will be squished or expanded to equal their aspect ratio, making for unprofessional looking images for the agent and photographer.

*Editors Note: TREB/MLS has relaxed some of these specs over the last few years and although it flags photos out of aspect ration we haven’t seen much of the stretching of images - if you are seeing stretched photos then correct the aspect ratio - to save on delivery we too now format our MLS images to 3:2 and have yet to see any ill effects.

*Information provided is based on TREB's MLS system and is generalized please check the exact specifications with the MLS Service in your area.