Your Photos Are Your Cover - Are You an Elite Realtor?


In a recent real estate mastermind marketing meeting, an interesting topic arose.

Bad MLS photos, namely cell phone photos from agents for not only MLS but used for marketing materials such as property feature sheets and postcards.

As you could appreciate, I am passionate on the subject but not because of the reasons you would think.

This isn’t about me creating sales, although those are always welcome in an expanding business. The truth is, low end leases are more work than we get paid for, the main rationalization why we don’t like the practice is because of the brand we have worked hard to develop for our Realtors in the field.

Elite properties was founded on bringing back high quality print ready photos to the clientele we serve, as the photographer who mainly serviced our marketing clients had deserted them for commercial magazine work, and they were looking for a photographer who matched their previous photographers skill.

As a full-time real estate marketer, the added editing of poor photos from the assortment of replacement photographers made my job difficult, and time consuming.

So, what do I mean when I say your photos are your cover as a Realtor?

The majority of potential clients that will come your way in your geo farm areas that weren’t grass root networked will have seen your headshot on a bus shelter, in print, or on the web in social avenues well before they ever meet you in person. So good portraits are part of your overall brand, and value.

It just doesn’t rest though with your headshot, it also includes your property images. As they are a reflection of your own personal quality, as well as the service you provide to your clientele.

Don’t get me wrong we appreciate that some listings especially low-end leases aren’t profitable, but it is an investment you make in your brand, and in the quality of your realty service.

I don’t have to explain this to top realtors, they have practiced this for years, and those that haven’t are reducing the number of listings they get from discerning clientele that see the paradox in service in those Realtor’s portfolio.

Want higher priced properties to bring to market? Focus on your overall service. Just as your internet social footprint and the lack of privacy, once online, your listing footprint is permanent and can be searched and compared to that of a competing agent. They might not be as detailed as the CMA’s you send to potential vendors, but the public will do searches in their Comparative Realtor Analysis’. Besides reviews they will view previous listings and get a visual look at what your general listings look like. A mixed bag of beautiful staged properties and poor photos will come off just as that incomplete. Now I am not suggesting you stage your low-end leases but you would be surprised how bright beautiful photos even messy places will affect your results, even in tear down situations.

Now I personally work tirelessly round the clock to put a good foot forward for and with my clients. Your success is mine, and we both profit from landing stunning listings.

So as the pictorial example asks above, What do these examples above show about the common approach from the Average Joe Realtor’s and an elite Realtor who appreciates that their commitment to great quality and service starts at the lowest common denominator, not at the top where they are hoping one day to get to.

So, in a competitive market would you hire Joe Realtor from an average brokerage (fictitious character as we are not in the business of outing any realtor in particular - you know who you are)?

Or would you hire an exceptional Realtor like Jamie Harnish from a prestigious local brokerage like Bosley Real Estate with a long positive history in the real estate arena?

It is most people’s biggest asset in life (their home). Who would you invest in?

A reputable representative whose Comparative Realtor Analysis demonstrates service and quality, or the one with a collection of iCrap photos, and a lack of respect for their client?

We will stick with our Elite Realtor’s.